+375-29 102-02-36

 +375-17 306-03-49

Minsk, Pobediteley Ave. 11

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The translation in the field of automotive industry

The translation on the subject of automotive industry

Perevesti.by bureau will provide all types of  translations on automotive industry specialization. Our experts will provide professional translation, observing terminology and stylistics of this area. Translators of bureau know more than 60 languages and will take on tasks of any complexity  and volume.


We are also ready to provide your organization with  a complete linguistic support. About 3 000 companies trust us. Among our clients there are also those whose primary activity is connected with automotive industry.

We will help:

  • To translate technical documentation (operational, repair, etc)
  • To translate financial documentation
  • To translate advertising texts and
  • To translate the website or software
  • To hold negotiations, to accept foreign delegation
  • To organize simultaneous or consecutive interpretation
  • To train the staff of your company

Order the translation on a subject of automotive industry

It is possible to order service having contacted us by any convenient method. Requests are accepted round the clock via the form on our website. We are waiting for you at our office in the center of Minsk.

Would you like everything be made perfectly? Address Perevesti.by translation bureau!

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